薪水 Enrique Peña Nieto

前总统 - 墨西哥
出生于: 1966, Mexico
  • 每年: HK$1,183,887.00
  • 每月: HK$98,657.25
  • 每周: HK$22,767.06
  • 每日: HK$4,553.41
Enrique Peña Nieto
This summary is provided by Wikipedia

恩里克·培尼亚·涅托 ;1966年7月20日),墨西哥政治人物、律師,暱称為「EPN」。2005年到2011年担任墨西哥州州长。2012年12月至2018年11月間担任墨西哥总统一职。他被视为墨西哥历史上受争议且不受欢迎的总统之一。

Wikipedia page about 恩里克·培尼亚·涅托

Salary overview:
His term ended in November 2018.
Eluniversal 2018 July 2018: The president receives a gross monthly salary of at leas 209,135.92 pesos. After taxes the net salary is 142033.43 pesos.
Vanguardia.com nov 2017: the total annual net remuneration of the President went from 3 million 002 thousand 971 pesos in 2017 to 3 million 115 thousand 531 pesos for next year.
BBC Mundo Mexican Enrique Peña Nieto, with a salary of US $ 13,750, approved in the Expenditure Budget of the Federation for 2017.
LaEconomia 2016: REMUNERACIÓN TOTAL ANUAL NETA (RTA) 2,989,128
ElEconomista Jan. 2013: Enrique Peña Nieto, presidente de México, presentó este miércoles su declaración patrimonial. En el documento se da a conocer que el mandatario federal percibe un sueldo mensual neto de 193,478 pesos.
4,207,644 MXN is the annual gross wage, the annual net wage is: 3,046,195 MXN. Includes benefits and extraordinary income.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2019-10
